This covers your motor vehicle against damage to the vehicle itself (Comprehensive) or Liabilities arising from the use of the vehicle (Third party Liabilities). see more...
Our Banca Takaful allows Banks to comfortably lend money to its clients with fewer worries about necessary recoveries after death or permanent disability on the life of their debtors. see more...
This is a cover that many employers take out for their key employees as fringe benefit. Personal Accident Takaful/Insurance is one coverage that every productive person needs because we run the risk of accident everywhere – in our houses, whilst walking, traveling by car, by air, at work, etc. see more...
The movement of cash from one location to another against accidental loss is covered by this insurance as well as your cash whilst kept in safe. see more...
This policy covers pecuniary losses arising from the dishonesty of employees and could be costly. This insurance is therefore taken out to indemnify the insured in the event of such loss. see more...
This class of Takaful (Insurance) provides protection against loss and/or damage by theft consequent upon actual forcible or violent entry and exit or attempt threat with intent to commit theft. see more...